Artist Bios

Resia Nank, Author

Resia Nank has been writing her entire life. Shortly after the book’s timeframe, she worked for The Star Democrat in her hometown of Easton, Md. In her 25 year career as a corporate journalist and communications professional, she wrote for various industries on multiple platforms. She holds a Masters degree from Johns Hopkins University and and undergraduate degree from Towson University. She splits her time between Scottsdale, Arizona and Atlanta, Georgia.

Rosalie Lankford, Artist

Rosalie is a retired hairdresser who is an arts and crafts whiz. She began crocheting rugs and trivets and creating colored pencil drawings of cartoon characters decades ago. She spent several years creating beautiful dried and silk flower arrangements that she successfully sold in Maryland. Now residing in Florida, Rosalie takes painting classes at the Cultural Center in Port Charlotte and creates new art pieces every month. Her favorite subjects are animals and people.

David Zee, Musician & Composer

An independent award winning musician and composer, David perfected his style over 20 years playing in clubs, bars and coffee houses in the Northeastern U.S. He also is an accomplished television composer, composing scores for the Discovery Channel and PBS. His affinity for jazzy pop tunes, New Orleans boogie, funky swing blues and densely chorded-ballads has led to numerous awards including the grand prize for “Children of Conflict” in the 2001 Music to Life competition for songs of social concern sponsored by Noel Paul Stookey of Peter, Paul and Mary. Another award came in partnership with Resia Nank (for lyrics), where she and David won a 1994 New York Film Festival award for original music.

Billy Brent Malkus

Coming soon.