Book Two, Lost and Found Now Available as E-Book and Paperback
CHICAGO, Sept. 24, 2019—Chock full of double the number of original illustrations, Kitty Girl and Mr. Squirrel, Lost and Found can now be purchased as an e-book or paperback on www.resiamedia.com or on Amazon. Both books also are available to libraries and bookstores through Ingram wholesaler.
Receive two coloring pages of the original illustrations FREE with every purchase from www.resiamedia.com.
In this second continuing adventure of Kitty Girl, Mr. Squirrel frets at home as Kitty wanders off and gets lost in the woods. Scared and hungry, Kitty searches for something familiar. With the help of technology and a few kind people, she is reunited with her best friend and pet parent. This story is perfect for new readers who can benefit from learning the responsibilities of pet ownership or as a read-to book for younger children.
Here’s the buzz:
“These books make a great birthday gift for grandchildren or nieces”
“The perfect stocking stuffer for Christmas”
“Cat rescue centers love books like this that promote responsible pet ownership”
“When your little ones want to curl up with a good book, Kitty Girl saves the day”
It’s never too early to begin your holiday shopping or to share a great story with a young person.
About the Author
Resia Nank has always been a writer. In her 25-year career as a corporate journalist and communications professional, she wrote for various industries on multiple platforms. She holds a Masters degree from Johns Hopkins University and an undergraduate degree from Towson University. She’s a native of Maryland and has lived in and around Baltimore and the Chicago area, but spends as much time as possible, with kitty Violet, at her favorite home in Scottsdale, Arizona. www.resiamedia.com
About the Illustrator
Dana Kelly is an Arizona-based illustrator. She is working towards her bachelor’s degree in Media Arts and Animation at the Art Institute of Phoenix. Dana is also a background and layout artist in both 2D and 3D.
Reviewed By Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite
Small Town Scandal: A Real Life Love Lesson is a non-fiction memoir written by Resia Nank. It was 1973, and Nank was a typical fourteen-year-old: filled with the excitement of crushing on teenage heartthrobs, thrilled with having her own slimline phone, and having a grand time riding her dirt bike on the trails near her home. Then, something momentous happened one day in late spring, when she noticed a moving van parked next door to her house and saw the hippie van parked in front of it. Her eyes bugged out at that painted van, but then she saw him. He was in his thirties, with long wavy hair and strong good looks, and she watched spellbound as he unloaded a large motorcycle from the truck. He introduced himself as Cookie, a friend of her stepfather, Robert. Nank was entranced by him, and the fact that he spoke to her as if they were on the same level made it even better. Soon the other girls in the neighborhood found out about the new guy in town, and they became non-stop visitors, earning some glares from Leona, his wife. But Cookie was Nank’s special friend, and he would become her first love and lifelong friend.
Resia Nank’s non-fiction memoir, Small Town Scandal: A Real Life Love Lesson, is a delight to read. Nank beautifully sets up her memory of life in the 1970s and the impact that the new neighbor had on her life. Her coming-of-age is filled with rushed assignations in the hippy van, stolen moments, and real affection as the two lovers get caught up in something larger than either of them. As I read this charming and sweet memoir, I realized that there might be some portions of the audience who would be offended by the idea of a fourteen-year-old having a relationship with a man eighteen years her senior. Considering the fact, however, that until recently girls of her age were considered mature enough to get married in many parts of this country, the age difference or her status as a minor did not seem to detract from the validity of her relationship or her memories as such. Nank’s story makes the point loudly and clearly that there was a strong and compelling romance shared by them. The ring episode is especially poignant and powerful, giving this modern-day Romeo and Juliet tale authenticity and depth. Small Town Scandal: A Real Life Love Lesson is most highly recommended.
Were? – used interchangeably with and in place of Where?
Zinc – not the mineral, the basin in the kitchen or bathroom
Nekkid – naked
Purdy – pretty
Plat – braid
Pockeybook – purse
Step’n Fetch It – originally a derogatory phrase for a negro slave; now used to describe any person who is down on luck or does another’s bidding
Nicodemus – adjective referring to anything small
Chicken Neckin’ – catching blue crabs on lines tied to raw chicken necks
When the Eagle shits – when Social Security checks arrive each month
Tired as a dog – why dogs are tired is never explained
Raining like a cow pissin’ on a flat rock – a very hard rain
If a frog had wings he wouldn’t bump his ass – refers to something impossible
Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first – translation: “fat chance”
Squeeze a nickel until it shits in his hand – (refers to buffalo nickels) someone miserly
Run anything that moves – refers to a person who pursues the opposite sex relentlessly
Going to the Store – generic reference to grocery shopping
Fart Crossways – to be upset or angry with someone “she’s got a fart crossways”
Enough to make you smack your mother – something that is very good or tempting
Ugly as a picket fence, lie gap in his teeth – refers to teeth with gaps or that a person with a center gap is a liar
He/she could bite the bottom out of a teacup and never touch the sides – refers to a person with a large oval bucktoothed mouth.
I’d rather be a wart on a dog’s ass – referring to the desire to avoid something unpleasant
His ass would make her a Sunday face – comparative term of beauty or lack thereof between two people
Too lazy to scratch fire off his ass – a very lethargic, inactive person
Can’t plant a turnip and get a pumpkin – meaning you can’t expect a child not to resemble his or her parents (other iterations: the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree)
Belongs to the milkman – a child that looks nothing like either parent
Slow as molasses running uphill on a cold winter day – moving very slowly
Old as Methusela – Bible reference; a very old person
It’ll be a cold day in hell before I … – not likely to happen
Couldn’t please her if Jesus stood on his head and stacked beebees – a woman who is impossible to satisfy